Akelius Math AB

Akelius pedagogy

The Akelius pedagogy means small steps with
variations, such as a kid imitates.

The aim is communication,
meaning transferring and understanding daily conversations, and written texts.

blended activities

The brain remembers efficiently when the stimulant or knowledge comes from several sources,
at least seven times.

The languages courses use some
forty methods of teaching.

When you get bored, 
select another.

Lessons, songs, games, flashcards, tests, charades, actions, grammar book, literature, audiobooks, etcetera.

several senses

The art of learning implies several senses,
such as acting the words,
and doing the mathematics with hands and feet.

The students read, write, listen, speak, touch, taste, smell, move.

The brain must learn what is essential.

By using several senses for
a new word such as tomato,
the brain remembers more easily, 
and associates to the word.

small steps

Research shows that anyone can learn by imitating in several thousand small, easy steps.

A single step has to be so logical,
that the student guesses correctly within three seconds.

Universities students may concentrate half an hour.

Younger students concentrate for ten seconds,
because of either their witness and refugee experience of a dramatic life, or the constant life with smartphones.


The stimulus of praise and credit for good work have remarkable effects,
even for well-educated adults.

Students study more efficiently and more often.

Lessons, exercises, and praise shall not promote smartness,
or being better than your deer peers,
but rather time spent on studying.

The art is to produce lessons that suit all IQ levels.


Most students get bored with scientific grammar terminology, such as learning superlative, comparative, 
and subjunctive in Greek, Arab, Polish, or any other language.

The first part of the course focuses on learning the most common words for daily talks, in present tense.

Later, there are three thousand grammar drill activities.


Akelius produces three types of books

  • playbooks with games, exercises
  • easy readers, five simplified classical books
  • grammar, structure to construct a sentence


Language teachers are not used teaching mathematics.

However, counting is part of daily life,
such as shopping.

In many work positions, the employee needs to count percentages, rectangles, averages, and statistics.

How many liters of paint do I need to paint a room?

When will I arrive, driving forty kilometers at a speed of sixty kilometers per hour?

Counting is an integrated part of the language course.


Adult refugees know a profession,
but not the most common words in their new target language.

There will soon be twenty professions, 
each with fifty basic terms and expressions.

You find detergent in the left cupboard.

blended education

Akelius pedagogy uses three main pillars

  • individual, online
  • a small group of six students,
    which is optimal
  • one coach per student

individual, online

  • lessons performing combined interactions with sound, text, pictures, or video
  • training intonation via fifty songs
  • playing online games
  • twenty thousand questions, or interactions,
    per course
  • five classical books with text, audio,
    and explaining pictures
  • stories about music, art, history, 
    and science
  • flashcards ready to print
  • grammar drills

six students per group

The students act together.
A coach is a leader.

for languages courses

  • perform real tasks,
    such as making the table, cleaning, cooking, driving, biking, painting
  • move by playing and performing words, or playing charades,
    I open the door
  • blind tests, such as tasting small parts of fruits, cheese, bread, juice, tea, water
  • blind tests to touch and feel,
    using objects such as a fork, spoon, chair, book, paper, shoe, shirt, fruits
  • listen to the sound, 
    tell what it is
  • moving exercises, such as walking straight ahead five steps, turning left, sitting down, standing up, 
    searching and collecting five stones
  • write flashcards, for all new words,
    on the backside, draw a picture,
    or write in the home language
  • repeat flash cards while moving,
    put cards with words you know in your pocket,
    put the problematic words at the bottom of your flashcard pile

one coach per student

Research shows that one-on-one training in languages and mathematics is ten times faster,
compared to a classroom with thirty students.

Akelius recommends that each student gets a private coach, once or twice per day, ten to fifteen minutes.

The basic method is that the student explains to the coach.

Teaching is the best method to learn, 
because you have to structure the teaching.

Other methods are reading or communicating.
The coach finds problems, 
and corrects them. 

The coach does not need a formal teacher degree.

The largest part of individual training is the online platform.