Akelius Math AB


Akelius Math AB, Chalmers University of Technology, and University of Gothenburg create Akelius Math Learning Lab together.
In this collaboration, teachers and scientists work together to develop educational material for learning mathematics.

knowledge in mathematics is essential

The goal of Akelius Math is to increase the availability of learning mathematics.

Knowledge in mathematics is an essential part of a country’s technical and economic development. Today, many children and young adults do not have the opportunity to learn basic skills, says Samuel  Bengmark, who will be the head of the lab.

The education material developed in Akelius Math Learning Lab will be freely available, and be used in schools that lack resources and at refugee camps, for example through UNICEF and UNHCR. 

The target group is twelve-year-old and older, and the material will be available in multiple languages. 

The initiative resembles Akelius Languages, but for mathematics instead of languages. 

Akelius Math AB is responsible and pays for the development work. 

Akelius Foundation donates SEK 20 million over a five-year period to Chalmers. 

Samuel is the CEO of Akelius Math AB 

Samuel Bengmark will be the head of the lab and CEO of Akelius Math AB.

Samuel teaching students at Chalmers.

Samuel is professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, a joint department for Chalmers University of Technology and The University of Gothenburg.

Here, I am part of the research group Teaching and Learning of Mathematics that will now be part of Akelius Math Learning Lab. The researchers will be involved in advising  the development and studying the material developed for Akelius Math, says Samuel.

A PhD-student and a postdoc will also be added to the research group and the lab.

set up a knowledge team

Samuel has already  started recruitment of the planned team of ten employees that will work on the development of the learning  material.

First and foremost, we need to find skilled math teachers who are inspired to develop material that works for a broad target group. The goal is to be fully staffed by summer 2024, says Samuel.

Akelius Math Learning Lab will be placed at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, which is a joint department for Chalmers and University of Gothenburg and located at the Chalmers campus in Gothenburg, Sweden.